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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Dead to You by Lisa McMann


I've been on a Dystopic Kick lately and I feel that I need to review a book that other folks will like. So, today's book is

 Dead To You by Lisa McMann

When Ethan was seven years old, he was abducted from his front lawn while his younger brother Blake watched from the front porch. Nine years later, Ethan discovers his picture on a missing persons website and reconnects with his family. He must then re-enter a life he does not remember with people that are complete strangers to him, yet call him a part of their family.

When I read this novel it had been on my "To Be Read" list for quite a while, and I am extremely glad I finally got to read it. There were so many different "moments" in this novel. there were laugh out loud moments, sad moments, scary moments, and moments you fell in love with.

Lisa McMann is a truly amazing author. She is able to get into the head of Ethan, a troubled 16 year old boy, and make in believable. I found myself rooting for Ethan. To get the girl, to fit in at school, to successfully reconnect with his family. I guarantee that your heart will break for Ethan when his brother is mistreating him. Because if I haven't mentioned this before, Ethan's brother think's that he is a fake. There is so much tension between these two. At first you believe that Blake is just feeling weird about his older brother coming home. But then you start to wonder...

The middle of this book was a little slow but the beginning and especially the end is absolutely amazing. I definitely recommend this novel to anyone high school age or above. This gripping novel will have you rooting for Ethan to uncover his memories so he can have the life he deserves. I give this novel an 8/10. So, go pick it up and read it you book lovers!

-Shawnee Smith

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