There are many different ways you can read a book in this day and age. You can read it as a...
a Paperback
an E-Version (Kindle/iPad)
Or as an Audio CD.
There are good and bad elements to each form of book. Hardcovers can get heavy, yet look nice on a shelf and last a long time if you plan on keeping it.
Paperbacks are lightweight, but they are easy to ruin.
E-Books are easy to transport, but if your battery dies then you can't read (Also the glare on the screen! Yikes!).
Audio CD's are great for listening to a book while you are driving, but the speaker can be extremely monotone.
So what do you prefer to read? I am a hardcover/paperback girl myself. I don't own an E-Reader and I can't usually stand the people who read the books on the audio CD's. Anyway that you read, its good that you pick up a book. :)
-Shawnee Smith
...I listen to audio books!